About a year ago I shared a post about unforgiveness and the effects it can have on your health. This past week a friend of mine had her most recent book released. “I Forgive You, But…” by Karen Jensen Salisbury. I have read other books by Karen and have found them to be very inspiring. Karen has a unique gift for sharing real-life stories that we can glean inspiration from while weaving in biblical truths to encourage each of us on our journey to healing. I have also had the privilege of hearing her speak in person; she is funny, down-to-earth, and very inspiring.

Here are a couple of excerpts from the book:

“So many times we don’t recognize unforgiveness as a hindrance to our healing. I know I have been tempted to ask God, “What does forgiveness have to do with healing?” But the Bible clearly shows they are linked, and I have personally seen a lot of instances where they are related.

I’ve also seen study after study done by the medical community that reinforces the idea of forgiveness and healing. I have read that unforgiveness is actually classified in some medical books as a disease! According to Dr. Steven Standiford, chief of surgery at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, refusing to forgive makes people sick and keeps them that way. With that in mind, forgiveness therapy is now being used to help treat diseases, such as cancer.1″

“As I mentioned earlier, even scientists and the medical community have discovered the power of forgiveness. Many doctors and scientists acknowledge there is a direct relationship between forgiveness and health. Studies have shown that holding onto anger or a grudge — harboring unforgiveness — can have very real, very devastating effects on our physical bodies.”

About Karen:

Karen understands about the need to operate in forgiveness as she learned how to forgive when her husband died in his sleep at a young age and she was left to raise their two boys alone through their teen years. Today she is remarried and travels and teaches around the world. For additional information or to schedule her to speak go to: http://www.karenjensen.org/.

“I Forgive You, But…” was a BEST SELLER on Amazon on the launch day, and is now available both in paperback and kindle. It is a great read, just like her previous books. If you would like to order, here is a link to purchase the book: “I Forgive You, But…”

I encourage you to get her book. I would love to hear what YOU think about the book.

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