Over three years ago I shared about homeoprophylaxis in a blog. In the blog, I shared how I was “testing” one of the products. So, I thought I would follow up on how my testing has gone. You can check out the previous post here.

The product that I have been using since 2018 is called INF-PNC-CV30. For the past three cold and flu seasons I have diligently taken it every week along with my elderberry syrup. After contracting influenza type A in 2017, I don’t want to go through that ever again.

The Results?

I am happy to report that I have not gotten the flu since then and the number of colds that I have gotten has decreased each year with not having any last year.  I truly believe this product has strengthen my immune system so when I do come in contact with various viruses it knows what to do. If you are interested in the product, you can purchase it here. This product will be on page 2 so scroll to that.

Check out the benefits when you purchase Influenzinum CV30:
  • There is enough for a family of six.
  • You will be able to add or subtract Genus Epidemicus (GE) remedies as new information emerges.
  • Use part 1 (INF-CV) every year to boost immunity.
  • Plus you will be able to use part 2 (PNC-CV30) separately if needed.
  • The two separate vials sold together are still called “INFLUENZINUM CV30”
  • If you are already in an HP program AND have the original Influenzinum sold before the current virus, you already have both components! Just take the PNC in your kit as outlined in the program and take INF-CV weekly.

You may be thinking what I mean by a healthy terrain. Well, there are two theories to why we get sick, Germ and Terrain. Personally, I don’t think it is one or the other but actually a combination of them both.

Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory


Louis Pasteur - Wikipedia

Germ Theory was popularized by Louis Pasteur. This theory proposes that microorganisms are the cause of most diseases. This is when antibiotics developed. Yes, antibiotics have a place, but modern science has found there has been a cost to the overuse of antibiotics. It has been discovered that they kill both the good and bad bacteria. Yes, many bacteria that are in and on our body are beneficial to our overall health.

Claude Bernard (1813 - 1878) - Genealogy

Terrain Theory was taught by Claude Bernard. He believed that the terrain of the human body was more important than the pathogens that infect it. This might explain why some people get sick while others, when exposed to the same pathogens, do not. Do you ever wonder why this happens?

I believe we all can do things to build our immune system. It is very similar to building muscle or endurance. It takes a little bit of effort but ultimately, we are all responsible for our health through our choices. I know that one hurts a bit!

Throughout my blog, you will find ways to build your health. My purpose has been to help you help yourself to be the healthiest person you can be. The greatest gift you can give your family and friends is a healthy you.

If you would like to order INFLUENZINUM CV30, you can do that here, again scroll to page 2.

What steps have you taken in the past year to build your immune system? Have you tried Influenzium?

Be blessed and be a blessing,


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The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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