Cell salts are used as part of an overall approach to good health. They can have many positive effects on your health, often correcting the imbalances and eliminating the symptoms. So, let’s dive a bit more into the twelve cell salts. But first a little history.

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Dr. Schuessler was a practicing homeopath in Germany during the mid 1800’s. Through his work and study, he concluded that when the human cell is reduced to ashes, there are only 12 minerals left. He then reasoned that a lack of these minerals in a living organism will keep organic material from entering the cells, which in turn prohibits the cells from performing their natural functions. He suggested that these twelve minerals be taken in order to regulate individual cell function.


Cell salts are necessary when the cells are lacking in certain nutrients, creating a cellular imbalance. When you take a cell salt, you are supplying a micro-nutrient that enables your body to rebuild itself on a cellular level.

They are prepared in minute doses just like homeopathic remedies. This agrees with the homeopathic principle that less is more. You are taking charge of your health from the inside out. When you learn which cell salt works best to combat a particular ailment, it is good insurance in keeping yourself healthy.

Health is a subtle process. Your input into the process is critical; you have to take the initiative if you want to stay healthy.

The Salts

Cell salts are an effective part of this holistic approach to wellness, helping you regulate and balance your biochemical processes at the cellular level. Each cell salt performs a specific function in the body’s vital processes. Let’s look at the 12 different cell salts, there general area of function, and some keynote symptoms.

#1 Calcium Fluoride (Calc Fluor) is a natural producer of suppleness and elasticity. Some of the areas it can help are the bones, teeth, veins, and ligaments. It tones by providing elasticity/laxity of tissues. It can help with stiffness and boney growths.

#2 Calcium Phosphate (Calc Phos) is the regulator of healthy cellular activity. The areas it can help are bones, teeth, hair, and nails – it can strengthen each of these. It provides nutrition/health in the structure of the body .

#3 Calcium Sulphate (Calc Sulph) is the healer and purifier of the skin and external tissues. It can be helpful for the skin and mucus membranes – which includes the stomach walls, nasal passages, mouth, throat, bladder, etc. It is a great support for wounds and skin ailments.

#4 Ferrum Phosphate (Ferrum Phos) is a powerful oxygenator. It strengthens and oxygenates the blood and strengthens the walls of the blood vessels. By regularly taking this cell salt it can help regulate the immune system and improve overall health and energy.

#5 Potassium Chloride (Kali Mur) is subtle acting but profound. It is important for the muscles, nerve cells, and brain cells. It is supportive for mucus membranes as it works as a decongestant.

#6 Potassium Phosphate (Kali Phos) is the soother of jangled nerves as it is especially supportive for the nerves and the brain. It can be effective for simple insomnia without the grogginess in the morning.

#7 Potassium Sulphate (Kali Sulph) is considered the cellular building block. Like Ferrum phos it helps carry oxygen throughout the bloodstream and into the cells. Its main duty is to build new cells when old ones have been damaged or killed due to disease.

#8 Magnesium Phosphate (Mag Phos) is an anti-spasmodic remedy. The brain, heart, and muscles use mag phos to relax. It can be helpful with pains, cramps, and spasms.

#9 Sodium Chloride (Natrum Mur) is the pre-eminent headache remedy. This cell salt can help with dryness of the skin and mucus membranes and may be effective in reducing hypertension.

#10 Sodium Phosphate (Natrum Phos) is the biochemical antacid as it has an affinity for the gastro-intestinal track. Think of it as a healthier “TUMS”. It is a pH balancer.

#11 Sodium Sulphate (Natrum Sulph) is the remedy for asthma but it is also supportive for digestive problems and regulating liver function.

#12 Silica (Sil) is a remarkable cellular cleanser and eliminator of toxins. It is also effective in causing boils and abscesses to suppurate. Like other cell salts it can support the bones, teeth, hair, and nails.

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mag phos cell salts — Ayurvedic Wellness Center

“It is now an established fact that Dr. Schuessler’s twelve tissue or biochemic remedies are capable, not only of alleviating, but in many cases curing many of the sufferings, which human flesh is heir to.”

Dr. S.R. Phatak

How to use cell salts

Cell salts like homeopathic remedies, work at a deep level. They can balance and regulate many biochemical, physiological, and neurological functions. If you have chosen a remedy for a particular ailment, you can sometimes experience instantaneous and permanent relief because you have hit the root cause of the ailment. However, at other times cell salts can take longer to produce results. Some of the cell salts work more slowly, especially in cases of longstanding ailments. Cell salts exercise powerful function to repair and maintain your body’s health at the cellular level.

How to take cell salts

There are different forms of cell salts, but the most common is the tablet form. The dosage can be one to three tablets, depending on the brand. They should be taken 15 minutes away from food or drink. There can be different potencies such as 3X, 6X, 12X, and etc. For the home prescriber of cell salts, the 3X and 6X are the most common.

Cell salts can be especially useful in the matter of self-diagnosis and self-prescription, but there are instances when working with a professional homeopath can be helpful. The homeopath will take a detailed medical history (past and present illnesses), metabolism, emotional makeup and specific reaction to physical and mental factors. This can be extremely helpful in understanding which remedies you need – in both homeopathic and cell salt forms.

If you would like to chat with me about how cell salts or homeopathy could support you, I offer free Discovery Calls and you can book here.

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