
Health Benefits of Walking Outside

Health Benefits of Walking Outside

Exercise is something that has been a challenge for me, I start but can’t stick with it for the long haul. I started in the 80s doing aerobics classes in college and from there I have done weightlifting, yoga, Pilates, and a boot camp program. They all have pros and cons, but the best exercise is the one you will do consistently. For me, this has been walking.

Minnesota’s Bounty: A Book Review

Minnesota’s Bounty: A Book Review

Have you ever gone to the farmers market and wondered what you should buy?  or How you should prepare the produce you purchase? I know for me it was a bit intimidating experimenting with unfamiliar produce. In Minnesota we have a very short growing season and yet our farmers markets can be an awesome place to purchase fresh locally grown produce; but again, how do you incorporate these foods into your meal plans. Beth Dooley to the rescue!

What is in Your Food? Nitrite and Nitrate

What is in Your Food? Nitrite and Nitrate

The food additives nitrites and nitrates have been in the good-for-you/bad-for-you debate for quite some time. The USDA approved nitrites in 1925 for use in curing meats but in the 1970’s, mounting evidence as to the possible negative health concerns came to light.

Herb: Horseradish

Herb: Horseradish

July is horseradish month. Who knew it had its own month? This large, long tapered root has a thin light brown skin protecting the white flesh that can add some zing to your food. Horseradish is a member of the cabbage family and is related to mustard. It is considered an herb and is used to make one of the world’s most popular condiments. To celebrate horseradish month, let’s take a look at horseradish, its culinary and medicinal history.

Meet Your Farmer: Cylon Rolling Acres

Meet Your Farmer: Cylon Rolling Acres

Cylon Rolling Acres is a farm on a 140-acre parcel near Deer Park, WI which is only about an hour west of the Twin Cities owned by Leslie Svacina and her husband, Scott. Cylon Rolling Acres raises goats on pasture for meat consumption; this is my first goat farm so I was excited to see it. Their name comes from the name of the township the farm is located in. If you are a Battlestar Galactica fan, the farm was not named after this fictional race of robots.

Herb: Sage

Herb: Sage

Summer is here and my gardens are starting to provide a harvest, yay for fresh food right from my garden. Fresh herbs were a staple for many people before modern medicine. Many homes had an herb garden not only for culinary purposes but also for medicinal purposes.

Meet Your Farmer: Medicine Creek Farm

Meet Your Farmer: Medicine Creek Farm

Medicine Creek Farm is a sustainable, regenerative Minnesota family farm near Finlayson. It is about 1-1/2 hours north of the Twin Cities. The 160-acre farm is home to Hannah and Jason where they raise 100% grass-fed and finished beef and lamb and pasture-raised pork while also raising their young son. I think Hannah and Jason were destined to farm; before they met, they both had spent time on various farms or industries related to farming. You can check out more about each of them here. They do have a “little farmer”, Harvey, who is learning all about farming already.

Meet Your Farmer: Stormy Creek Farm

Meet Your Farmer: Stormy Creek Farm

Stormy Creek Farm is a little over 90 minutes southwest of the Twin Cities in the heart of the Minnesota River Valley area. Stormy Creek does run through the property. It was a nice drive to the third-generation family farm. Brother and sister team, Keith and Kay are the foundation of Stormy Creek Farm. They grew up on this land with their parents.

The Sioux Chef’s Indigenous Kitchen: A Book Review

The Sioux Chef’s Indigenous Kitchen: A Book Review

Last summer I had the opportunity to teach summer school cooking classes for grades 3 through 6 (cancelled this year due to COVID19). I wanted my classes to be about cooking and healthy food, AND I wanted it to be an experience the kids would remember. Food has a way of bringing people together, I thought it would be fun to learn about different cultures and the foods they eat along with cooking skills. I encourage people to eat local so one of the cultures we learned about was Native American food from the Minnesota area. In doing my research, I came across the book The Sioux Chef’s Indigenous Kitchen by Sean Sherman with Beth Dooley. I first found it at our local library, but my mom actually blessed me with my own copy last Christmas.