World Osteoporosis Day
How strong and healthy are your bones? Today is World Osteoporosis Day so check out some bone-promoting tips to build strong and healthy bones.
Eat with the Seasons
Have you ever thought about eating with the seasons? How hard would it really be? Read on to discover more about eating with the seasons.
Eat Better, Eat Together Month
October is Eat Better, Eat Together Month. Why would there be a month to encourage this? Read on to discover more and ways to eat better with eating together.
Cooking with Coffee
September 29th, 2021 is National Coffee Day – check out a few ways to use coffee in the kitchen that aren’t in a cup to add some fun flavors to your food.
Food Preservation: Dehydration
Food preservation can be a great tool for preparing for disasters or food shortages. Dehydration is one great method that most of us can do.
How is Your Balance?
For a healthy life, we need balance in all areas: this includes our actual physical balance. September 19-25 is Balance Awareness Week.
Do you hara hachi bu?
Do you hara hachi bu? I have been practicing this for the past few months and feel it has been a good thing. So, what is hara hachi bu?
Strong Terrain with Homeoprophylaxis
Three years ago I shared about homeoprophylaxis in a blog. I shared how I was “testing” one of the products. So, I thought I would follow up on how it has gone.
Meet Your Farmer: R&R Cultivation
Today I would like to introduce you to R&R Cultivation. They are an organic mushroom farm based in Roseville, Minnesota; an urban farm.