
The Macronutrients: Protein

The Macronutrients: Protein

The “Macros” are the nutrients that the body uses in large amounts and each day our bodies need a fresh supply of these macronutrients. There are three macronutrients: Protein, Fat, and Carbohydrate. Yes, your body needs all three to function in a healthy way, but we are each individuals, so our personal needs will vary. Let’s start with protein.

Fat Burning Botanicals

Fat Burning Botanicals

There is so much power in the foods we eat; they can build our health or tear it down. We each make the choice bite by bite; yes, we choose what to eat and ultimately much of our overall health is determined by these choices. One area that certain foods can help is with fat burning and botanicals can do this.

Properly Preparing Foods: Rice

Properly Preparing Foods: Rice

Rice is one of the oldest cereal grains and along with wheat and corn, one of the three leading food crops in the world. It is a staple food for more than half of the world’s population, with 90% of the supply of rice is consumed in Asia. Rice can be a great food to add to your diet; …

What is in Your Food? Parabens

What is in Your Food? Parabens

Who would have thought that Parabens would be in our food? There has been much information about parabens in personal-care products but not so much with them in food.
Parabens are used primarily to stop mold, harmful bacteria, and yeast which is a positive attribute for them.

Top Posts for 2020

Top Posts for 2020

Well 2020 is coming to a close; I am sure many are glad this year is almost over and looking forward to a New Year. When looking back on a year, I like to share which have been the most popular posts. I am going to share the top three recipes and the three most read posts for the year. If you missed any of these posts, follow the links provided.

Traditions and Our Health

Traditions and Our Health

The holiday season often brings with it many traditions that we love or maybe some we just endure. Either way, they are the fabric of our lives. In 2020, many holiday traditions will be modified or even put-on hold, which can be sad. Traditions are an important part of being human.  In this ever-changing world, they can offer predictability and stability not only for children but also for adults.

Are You Up for a Hiking Challenge?

Are You Up for a Hiking Challenge?

Recently I have shared about the importance of getting outside through two previous post: Walking for Health and Getting Out in Nature. Getting outside has been very instrumental in my own health journey so I encourage others to take advantage of the great outdoors, even if that means a local park in your neighborhood.