What are Cell Salts??

What are Cell Salts??

Cell salts are used as part of an overall approach to good health. They can have many positive effects on your health, often correcting the imbalances and eliminating the symptoms. So, let’s dive a bit more into the twelve cell salts. But first a little history....
Fluoride, Is It In Our Best Interest?

Fluoride, Is It In Our Best Interest?

In the early 1900’s a young dentist, Dr. McKay, began his practice in Colorado. He noticed that most the children had brown stains on their teeth. Dr. McKay spent 30 years studying this condition. By 1931 analysis revealed that the water in these areas contained high...
Keeping Your Lungs Healthy

Keeping Your Lungs Healthy

As we head into the winter season, it is important to keep your lungs healthy and strong. Your lungs are a tender organ which can be susceptible to disease.