Top Posts for 2020

Top Posts for 2020

Well 2020 is coming to a close; I am sure many are glad this year is almost over and looking forward to a New Year. When looking back on a year, I like to share which have been the most popular posts. I am going to share the top three recipes and the three most read posts for the year. If you missed any of these posts, follow the links provided.

Stress Relieving Foods

Stress Relieving Foods

This week’s post is a follow up to last week’s. In this post I have shared seven different foods that can be helpful in managing stress. Check it out. If you would like guidance with your health journey, sign up for the free 20-minute phone consult that I offer.

Mineral: Calcium

Mineral: Calcium

Minerals are an important part of a healthy diet. Check out today’s post and discover why we need minerals and the importance of the mineral calcium in our diet.

Spice of Life: Tarragon

Spice of Life: Tarragon

Tarragon is a perennial herb in the sunflower family. Its botanical name is dracunculus which means little dragon. It is a sweet, aromatic herb with a note of licorice flavor. I really like the flavor and smell of this herb. It is a flavor that people either love or hate. When using it in cooking, use cautiously if you don’t know the palate of the individuals who may be eating it. There are two common varieties: French and Russian. French is the flavorful variety of the two.

What is in Your Food? Sulfur Dioxide

What is in Your Food? Sulfur Dioxide

Sulfur dioxide is one of the chemicals of greatest concern in our air. The largest source of sulfur dioxide is from the burning of fossil fuels by power plants and other industrial facilities. Exposure to sulfur dioxide can harm the respiratory system, making breathing difficult so you might wonder why would it be in our food? It is a preservative for processed foods. It can extend the shelf life of products, kill bacteria, maintain color, and has a softening effect. It became widely used in the 1970s.

What is in Your Food? Nitrite and Nitrate

What is in Your Food? Nitrite and Nitrate

The food additives nitrites and nitrates have been in the good-for-you/bad-for-you debate for quite some time. The USDA approved nitrites in 1925 for use in curing meats but in the 1970’s, mounting evidence as to the possible negative health concerns came to light.

Herb: Sage

Herb: Sage

Summer is here and my gardens are starting to provide a harvest, yay for fresh food right from my garden. Fresh herbs were a staple for many people before modern medicine. Many homes had an herb garden not only for culinary purposes but also for medicinal purposes.