Reflecting on 2018
It can be a good idea at the beginning of a new year to look back on the previous year; not to have regrets but to reflect on the positives. By doing this, we can better prepare ourselves for success in the future.
It can be a good idea at the beginning of a new year to look back on the previous year; not to have regrets but to reflect on the positives. By doing this, we can better prepare ourselves for success in the future.
This week’s post is written by my niece, Angie Wickstrom. I asked her if she would write a post about how my generation could be of help to her generation. Raising families has evolved in the past few years. Many grandparents are now watching their grandkids on a regular basis. Studies have actually found this can be advantageous to everyone, grandparents included. We not only can help with the grandkids, but in other ways too, and I will let Angie share about that. Enjoy the read and check out her own blog, too.
Every human has an entire community of bacterial strains that reside in their gut. The challenge is whether this is a healthy and strong community, or if it has been taken over by a number of “bad” strains.
The Standard American Diet (SAD) of processed food, wide spread antibiotic use, and a number of other reasons has negatively affected the community of bacteria in our guts.
Have you wondered how safe your household cleaning products really are? Would you like to find “cleaner” options? Check out this post.
I think at one time or another we each have counted calories to improve our health, but is it really that important?
This week’s farm is Seelye Brook Farms located in Oak Grove, Minnesota which is about 45 minutes north of the Twin Cities. Randy and Karen Kleinman have been farming here since the fall of 2016. I had the privilege of visiting their farm where the whole family was involved in the tour!
This past month my computer has had some “issues” that have become very frustrating. I tried to resolve these issues on my own. Being my strengths are not in the technical world, it was becoming more and more stressful. I kept putting off bringing the computer in to be diagnosed because I didn’t think I could be without it for the 3 to 4 days it would be in for diagnosis and repair.
Founded by Susie Zahratka, Yoga Pants Bakery is located in Lauderdale, Minnesota. I just love the name of her bakery, don’t you?
According to the CDC, about 1 in every 3 adults in the United States have high blood pressure, but only half of these people have their condition under control. This puts these people at a higher risk of heart disease and stroke, which are the leading causes of death in the United States. Our heart works extremely hard for us; it contracts and relaxes an average of 70 times per minute, and a woman’s heart beats a little faster than a man’s. Taking care of our heart is an important investment in ourselves.
In upcoming posts this spring and early summer, I will be introducing you to local farmers that have a passion for producing clean, healthy food.
This week’s farm is Nelson Grass Farm located in Ogilvie, Minnesota which is about 1-1/2 hours north of the Twin Cities. Desiree and Ryan Nelson have been farming here since 2011. I had the privilege of visiting their farm, and Desiree provided a tour, sharing about the farm, the livestock, and their vision for the future.