Fluoride, Is It In Our Best Interest?
In the early 1900’s a young dentist, Dr. McKay, began his practice in Colorado. He noticed that most the children had brown stains on their teeth. Dr. McKay spent 30 years studying this condition. By 1931 analysis revealed that the water in these areas contained high...
December is Exotic Fruit Month
December is Exotic Fruit month! Who knew exotic fruits had their own month? It is a great time to explore what exotic fruits are available.

Keeping Your Lungs Healthy
As we head into the winter season, it is important to keep your lungs healthy and strong. Your lungs are a tender organ which can be susceptible to disease.

Sweet Potato or Yam???
Have you ever wondered the difference between yams and sweet potatoes? I know I have. There is a lot of confusion between these two.

Eat Better, Eat Together Month
October is Eat Better, Eat Together Month. Why would there be a month to encourage this? Read on to discover more and ways to eat better with eating together.

Cooking with Coffee
September 29th, 2021 is National Coffee Day – check out a few ways to use coffee in the kitchen that aren’t in a cup to add some fun flavors to your food.

Food Preservation: Dehydration
Food preservation can be a great tool for preparing for disasters or food shortages. Dehydration is one great method that most of us can do.

Meet Your Farmer: R&R Cultivation
Today I would like to introduce you to R&R Cultivation. They are an organic mushroom farm based in Roseville, Minnesota; an urban farm.

DIY Elderberry Syrup
Elderberry syrup has been used in folk remedies for many years. Check out how easy it is to make at home and the many health benefits.