Fluoride, Is It In Our Best Interest?
In the early 1900’s a young dentist, Dr. McKay, began his practice in Colorado. He noticed that most the children had brown stains on their teeth. Dr. McKay spent 30 years studying this condition. By 1931 analysis revealed that the water in these areas contained high...
Are You Aging Gracefully?
Recently I have entered by 6th decade and with this I have been doing a lot of contemplating. Questions I have asked myself include:

Healthy Option Pots and Pans
Have you thought about how healthy your pots and pans may be for you? Pots and pans can leach toxins in to our food. Check out today’s post to learn more.

A Clean Fridge!
Your refrigerator runs 24/7 and is one of the most used appliances in your kitchen. For over 100 years it has helped keep food fresh and cold. Sometimes if you look in to your refrigerator there might be some “not so fresh” things. Even with great...
Seven Ways to Clean with Baking Soda
Baking soda is not just for baking! It is a great cleaner product and much safer for your health. Check some simple cleaning recipes using baking soda.

There is Always Hope!
As we end 2021, it is time to look to a new year. Are you hopeful for what 2022 can bring or are you struggling to have any hope for the future at all?

Introducing New Foods after the GAPS Diet
As I shared in a previous post, our daughter has been on the GAPS diet. We have slowly started introducing new foods as her health has been great.

52-Hike Challenge in Review
This past week we wrapped up our first 52-hike challenge. What did we accomplish? Check out some highlights and reflection.

Do Your Shoes Matter?
Throughout history people have created things to protect their feet from the elements. So why do we need to think about what we put on our feet? Are we doing ourselves and our health a disservice by not?