Part One: Building Immunity Through Nutrition

Part One: Building Immunity Through Nutrition

The 2017-2018 flu season has been one of the worst since 2009. This season also started earlier, November instead of January, which means with all the holiday gatherings, it could spread much easier.

So what can we do to strengthen our immune system so it is better able to fight off influenza or any other disease? I will be doing a three-part series on strengthening the immune system. Our immune system thrives on good nutrition, exercise, and spiritual and community connection. The immune system needs harmony and balance in all three of these areas. So let’s start with nutrition.

New Year’s Resolutions: How are you doing?

New Year’s Resolutions: How are you doing?

We are now a couple of weeks into 2018; life should be getting back to “normal” after the holiday season. If you set some New Year’s resolutions, there may have already been some setbacks, or some of you may have already given up on those changes you wanted to make. Did you know that over one-half of adults routinely make New Year’s resolutions? Most of which pertain to health behaviors like smoking cessation, weight loss, exercise, or alcohol reduction.

Weston A. Price Foundation

Weston A. Price Foundation

This past weekend I attended my first conference in the nutrition field. It was quite the experience. I learned a lot and learned that I have a lot more to learn! I would like to share a little bit about the organization that hosted the conference, Weston A. Price Foundation.

Cleaning Up How You Clean

Cleaning Up How You Clean

Today’s post is from a friend of mine, Lucia Paul, who loves to clean! She has her own blog called “Cleaning in the Cold”. I thought it would be great if she would share something, and she agreed to do so, yay! She has written a great post. Enjoy the read.

Kitchen Tips for Fresh Produce

Kitchen Tips for Fresh Produce

Over a year ago we (hubby is along for the ride) have switched to little or no packaged food. It has been a process of learning to prep and plan meals, our meals are pretty basic which does make it easier. I do spend more time in the kitchen now, but that is because I am trying new ways to prepare real food; my learning curve is improving! I am always looking for kitchen tips that can either make my time in the kitchen more productive or ways to use every bit of the food we purchase.

Adventuring: Gale Woods Farms

Adventuring: Gale Woods Farms

I have shared the importance of adventure in our lives, how it inspires us, helps us grow. My hubby and I have purposed to create opportunities to experience adventure with our grand kids. Our first grandson is now old enough to embark on these adventures, and we tell him we are going on an adventure. (Funny thing happened the other day when I was watching the boys and we were leaving their house to go to our house, my oldest grandson asked if we were going on an adventure!) But what does one do for an adventure with a two year old? This is where micro-adventures come in! Yes that is a term.

Leafy Green Storage

Leafy Green Storage

Lately I have been sharing about how important leafy greens are for us. You can check out my posts on inflammation and dark leafy greens if you missed those posts. Well now you have bought all those leafy greens, but can’t seem to eat them before they start to wilt and get mushy, right? This is like throwing money in the garbage. So here are a few tips on how to extend the life of your greens.

Inflammation and Your Health

Inflammation and Your Health

Inflammation, is it good or bad? Well the answer is yes to both. Inflammation is important to our body’s immune response. It is the body’s way of fighting against foreign invaders, such as viruses and bacteria, or healing damaged tissue. The problem starts when it becomes a part of the whole body; this refers to chronic, imperceptible, low-level inflammation. Now there is mounting evidence that this can lead to many serious, age-related diseases including heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and the many autoimmune diseases that are on the rise.

The Bra Enlightenment

The Bra Enlightenment

This is Keshia, the daughter, again, my last post was about a Dairy Farm, but this post is going to get much more…personal, and in-depth…it’ll be fun, lets dive right in!
So I used to hate bras, I mean utterly LOATHE. My shoulders and neck hurt constantly, the band would always be riding up. I always had to make sure I had a camisole with a shelf bra in it to try to keep my bra in place. I just figured this was just how it would always be; that I must be the problem, not the bra.

“I Forgive You, But…”

“I Forgive You, But…”

About a year ago I shared a post about unforgiveness and the effects it can have on your health. This past week a friend of mine had her most recent book released. “I Forgive You, But…” by Karen Jensen Salisbury. I have read other books by Karen and have found them to be very inspiring. Karen has a unique gift for sharing real-life stories that we can glean inspiration from while weaving in biblical truths to encourage each of us on our journey to healing. I have also had the privilege of hearing her speak in person; she is funny, down-to-earth, and very inspiring.