What are Cell Salts??

What are Cell Salts??

Cell salts are used as part of an overall approach to good health. They can have many positive effects on your health, often correcting the imbalances and eliminating the symptoms. So, let’s dive a bit more into the twelve cell salts. But first a little history....
A Clean Fridge!

A Clean Fridge!

Your refrigerator runs 24/7 and is one of the most used appliances in your kitchen. For over 100 years it has helped keep food fresh and cold. Sometimes if you look in to your refrigerator there might be some “not so fresh” things. Even with great...
Do Your Shoes Matter?

Do Your Shoes Matter?

Throughout history people have created things to protect their feet from the elements. So why do we need to think about what we put on our feet? Are we doing ourselves and our health a disservice by not?

Farm-Raised versus Wild-Caught Seafood – Which to Choose??

Farm-Raised versus Wild-Caught Seafood – Which to Choose??

Fish and seafood have many healthy-promoting attributes, and we are being encouraged to eat more seafood because of these attributes. This can be a challenge because knowing the where the fish and seafood have been sourced may determine how healthy it is.

Fish and seafood can be either wild-caught or farm-raised. Let’s look at each of these in regards to nutrition, contaminants, and sustainability.