How To: Roast Vegetables
I think is a pretty safe bet that most of us struggle to get our recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Fruits are easier for most people to eat on a daily basis, veggies not so much. The recommended daily servings of vegetables is two to three cups a day for most adults. Do you get that many cups a day? Even though I am in the health and wellness field, I sometimes struggle to do this. Many struggle with this; in a 2017 survey, only 1 in 10 adults ate the recommended daily amount of fruit and vegetables.
Getting Used to the Cold
As we progress to winter here in Minnesota, I am working on cold adapting. Check out this week’s post to discover how cold adapting can be beneficial and ways to start the process.
The Nutrient-Dense Stewing Hen
What in the world is a stewing hen? What is the best way to prepare one? Check out this week’s post to discover all about this nutrient-dense food and how to use it.
Stress Relieving Foods
This week’s post is a follow up to last week’s. In this post I have shared seven different foods that can be helpful in managing stress. Check it out. If you would like guidance with your health journey, sign up for the free 20-minute phone consult that I offer.