Love Your Liver, Detoxing the Liver

Love Your Liver, Detoxing the Liver

The largest organ of the body by mass is the liver. It is an organ that we often take for granted but it is extremely hard working 24 hours per day, every day. The liver is the only visceral organ that can regenerate itself. It is important to take care of your liver, so it works efficiently your entire life.

The ancient world considered the liver the repository of life and the seat of inner emotion; and in Chinese medicine, cleansing the liver directly correlates with the balance of nature and seasonal rhythms. We often spring clean our homes, but our bodies could use some spring cleaning, and spring is a perfect time to support your liver’s detoxification process.

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What is in Your Food? Aluminum

What is in Your Food? Aluminum

Aluminum is the third most abundant element in the earth’s crust, equal to about 8%. It is a naturally occurring mineral that can be found in both plant and animal sourced foods in small amounts. There are also many food additives containing aluminum and cookware and food storage containers can leach aluminum into food via contact.

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Stop Food Waste Day

Stop Food Waste Day

Wasting food is something that has always been a concern of mine. I think it is because I hate wasting money. I strive to not let food go to waste. Have I succeeded 100% of the time? No, I have not; but in our household, we have significantly reduced the amount of food we throw out.


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Dandelion, Friend or Foe?

Dandelion, Friend or Foe?

Spring is here and the days are steadily getting longer which is always a welcomed time in Minnesota. With spring, we will start to see pops of bright yellow in our yards, in the parks, and along the roads. What are these vibrant yellow pops of color? Dandelions!!

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