GAPS Testimonial: Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
In my last post, I shared about the GAPS diet. This week’s post is a testimony of how the GAPS diet has touched my family. I hope you enjoy it.
Diet Overview: GAPS Diet
There are many diets: keto, Mediterranean, Low FODMAP, Paleo, South Beach, Blood Type, raw food, and many, many more. Determining what type of diet is best for you can be a huge challenge. THERE IS NO DIET THAT WORKS FOR EVERYONE! We are all individuals who have a specific genetic make-up and have our own health journey; there is no one else like you!
Breaking Bread: The Shared Meal
This year, 2020 has changed our lives in so many ways. I don’t think anyone has not been affected by COVID19 in some way or another. Families have been thrust together 24/7 with kids being home from school and many people working from home. It is our current normal with a lot of new challenges.
Gluten-Free Pecan Pancakes!!
I have been gluten free for close to two years now. There have been ups and downs on this journey, but for me it has improved my overall health. Do I miss bread? Of course, I do; just thinking about the texture of a piece of bread with lots of butter on it can be hard. BUT being healthy is more important to me and for right now that means keeping gluten out of my diet for a while longer. The adventurous part about this gluten-free journey is learning to be creative in the kitchen. Yes, that is my way of keeping it positive.