August In-Season Produce

August In-Season Produce

Summer is now half over! Soon back-to-school preparations will begin; I know the stores are stocking the shelves with the supplies already. August is also when the farmer’s markets are booming with the produce of their labors. Last week, one vendor had sweet corn; there was a line to snatch up what he had available. Fresh sweet corn is such a treat in the summer.

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What is in Your Food? Soy Lecithin

What is in Your Food? Soy Lecithin

Let’s look at lecithin, specifically soy lecithin.

Lecithin is a fatty substance that occurs in animal and plant tissues. Lecithin is used as an emulsifier to keep water and fat from separating in processed foods, and it can extend the shelf life of these foods. It is also used as a wetting and dispersing agent for powders, a release agent to prevent sticking of contact surfaces, and improves dough in bakery products.

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Investing in Your Health

Investing in Your Health

Why invest in your health? Because you are worth it! I think we all want to live the healthiest life we can. No matter our age, we want to be productive, enjoy our time with friends and family, and not feel stressed and burned out, right?

We live in a world with many challenges. We are exposed to so many harmful things like food additives, toxic beauty and skin care products, the air we breathe, the water we drink, electro-magnetic fields, stress from work, lack of physical activity, and the list can go on and on. It can seem overwhelming to battle all these areas especially if you are not feeling your best to start.

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July-in-Season Produce

July-in-Season Produce

Half of 2019 has gone by. It does seem the older I get, the faster time seems to move. Here is a list of some of the July in-season produce. I hope you are able to enjoy fresh, local produce where ever you are.

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