Where do you stand? People Over Profit?

Where do you stand? People Over Profit?

Every once in a while I read a book that deeply affects me or some part of my life. Today I want to share one of these books. It is called People Over Profit: Break the System. Live with Purpose. Be More Successful. By Dale Partridge. I highly encourage you to read this book!

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Asian Meatballs with Sauteed Cabbage

Asian Meatballs with Sauteed Cabbage

Many Asian cultures have a unique approach to food and eating – to create wellness. Food should nourish our bodies, but it should also be tasty. It definitely is no fun to eat something that is “good” for us but doesn’t taste good, right? There are other aspects of Asian dining that can be healthful, too.

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Ferments: Water Kefir

Ferments: Water Kefir

There has been much information about the importance of consuming fermented foods in the news lately, but you may be wondering where do I start? A great place to start is fermented drinks; they are tasty, can be sweet or sour, and provide beneficial bacteria and yeast to your system. Yes, we need beneficial bacteria and yeast to keep the pathogenic ones under control. Now for this post I am not talking about wine or beer even though they are fermented! One of the easier fermented drinks to make at home is water kefir.

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February In-Season Produce

February In-Season Produce

Wow, it is already February! Have you been successful with those New Year resolutions? Were you going to eat more fruit and vegetables? Here is the list of in-season produce items for February along with recipes to go along with each one. Also, I often get asked “is organic worth the extra money?”, so if you would like some info about the difference, check out my post Is Organic Worth the Money?.

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