Healthy Cooking: Mirepoix
Fall is here and the weather is cooler! This time of year often brings us back into our kitchens preparing soups, stews, casseroles, and hotdishes …
Spice of Life: Chives
Chives are one of the most readily available herbs and can easily be grown in most gardens. I personally have five clumps of this herb growing in my garden. Chives have been cultivated since the middle ages but there have been signs that it may have been used as far back as 5000 years ago. The plant is native to Asia, Europe, and North America but now is found all over the world.
A Dose of Nature
This week we are on vacation in Northern Michigan. This is our first time to this area. When we vacation, we have a couple of goals: visit museums to learn the history and explore nature in the area. For us, experiencing the outdoors renews our spirits and souls. With COVID no museums are operating so this vacation there has been more outdoor time.
Spice of Life: Tarragon
Tarragon is a perennial herb in the sunflower family. Its botanical name is dracunculus which means little dragon. It is a sweet, aromatic herb with a note of licorice flavor. I really like the flavor and smell of this herb. It is a flavor that people either love or hate. When using it in cooking, use cautiously if you don’t know the palate of the individuals who may be eating it. There are two common varieties: French and Russian. French is the flavorful variety of the two.