Kit comes in a cardboard box, includes 1 dram with #35 pellets of each of the following remedies and an informational sheet on how to use each one (about 40 doses per vial): Aconite 200c, Aloe 30c, Apis 30c, Arnica 200c, Arsenicum Album 30c, Belladonna 200c, Bryonia 200c, Cantharis 30c, Chamomilla 30c, Cocculus Indica 30c, Coccinella 30c, Hypericum 200c, Ipecac 30c, Ledum 30c, Nux Vomica 30c, Pulsatilla 30c, Rhus Tox 30c, Ruta Grav 30c, Silicea 30c, and Veratrum Album 30c.
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